The songs of Akalal


The Draoua people of southern Morocco are in fact a group of multiple ethnic tribes, who over the course of several centuries, have adopted the term “Draoua” to refer to the fact that they were the first to inhabit the oasis. The Draoua people of the Fezouata Oasis, inhabiting Ksar Timig, perform Akalal music, which is itself a combination of several styles of music. First, there is Def music, performed with a handheld tara and tareja, and the accompaniment of up to 30 musicians clapping along to the rhythm. Second, there is Siyf music, a sonic landscape in and of itself, featuring the handheld def, tara, the wielding of swords (siyouf), and a flute accompaniment.

Map of The M'hamid El Ghizlane Oasis

  • Akalal Map

History of Akalal

Akalal musician Sheikh Ali introducing Akalal music
The production of traditional Akalal drum Def


Music & Lyrics


  • Let us start with the name of almighty God; the generous and vigilant God
  • In the name of the one the who never sleeps and keep vigilant
  • All that which I erased and rewrote
  • We will be witness to our destiny
  • Many thanks and praise to our prophet Mohamed as the number of:
  • All that my eyes have seen (chorus)
  • The thousands of hairs on a dromedary
  • The palm trees and their branches
  • Pray again and again
  • Many thanks and praise to our prophet Mohamed as the number of:
  • All that my eyes have seen


  • Commençons avec le nom du dieu généreux et veillant
  • Je commence au nom de celui qui ne s’endorme jamais et reste éveillé
  • Tous ce dont j’ai effacé et réécris
  • Nous verrons ce que le destin nous réserve
  • Prières et salut sur le prophète Mohamed au nombre :
  • de tous ce que j’ai vu de mes propres yeux
  • des millier de poils de dromadaire
  • des palmier et leurs branches
  • Priez encore et encore….
  • Prières et salut sur le prophète Mohamed au nombre :
  • de tous ce que j’ai vu de mes propres yeux


Ksar Timtig, itself broken up into several sections and holding several ethnic groups, has stood in the Fezouata Oasis for centuries, and stands as a model of the southern Draa Valley, where several ethnic tribal groups, cultures, and languages coexist in peace and tolerance.

  • Chamra Spaces